2. Filters
The next step is to try physical filters. There are a variety of them, and some filters will allow you to get results that cannot be replicated in post-production.
I have three favorite filters that I often use with my iPhone.
The first filter is a mist filter, a bloom or fog filter. These are great for removing the digital edge from smartphones' images. They also smooth highlights in a similar way to film. Finally, a mist filter smooths skin tones, making it an excellent tool for portraiture.
Moment offers three different densities for its CineBloom diffusion effect: 5 %, 10%, and 20%. The 20% is the strongest and will make everything you shoot look dreamy, which could be too much for everyday use. The 5% will simply remove the digital edge. I like the Moment Cinebloom 10%; it removes the digital edge while subtly blooming highlights.
The second filter is a circular polarizer (CPL). This filter cuts the light reflecting on some surfaces such as the water, windows, and cars. A circular polarizer also produces bolder colors with more profound contrast, rendering the sky darker. A CPL filter will cut between 1 to 2 stops of light.
Tip: Position yourself between 30 and 90 degrees from the sun for the best results with a CPL filter. Shooting directly in the sun or with the sun behind you will have no effect when using a polarizer.
A Variable Neutral Density filter (VND) cuts the light hitting your sensor. These filters are often used for shooting video, but I like to use them for photography since the iPhone has fixed apertures. For example, you can use a VND to keep a slower shutter speed and introduce motion blur.
I have also written an article about shooting motion blur with your iPhone if you want to learn more.
Mounting Filters Onto Your Phone
You will need an adapter to mount your filters onto your phone. Moments offers a variety of solutions.
If you don't like cases on your phone, this might be the best solution: the Moment 67mm Phone Filter Mount.
This simple clamp allows you to utilize filters for the three lenses on your iPhone (yes, even the ultra-wide!). If you decide to get a case such as the Moment iPhone Case, the adapter will be compatible. However, this adapter won't let you fit MagSafe accessories.
For the proud owner of iPhone 14/15 Pro and Pro Max, Moment came up with an ingenious system: the Moment 67mm Snap-On Filter Adapter for iPhone 14 Pro & Pro Max. This adapter is compatible with MagSafe, so you can use a filter while mounting your iPhone on a tripod.
Finally, if you don't like the look of a bulky 67mm filter on your phone, you can try the dedicated M-mount 37mm filters. These can be used with your Moment cases, and they are the smallest filters available, perfect for everyday capture. And yes, they fit in the pocket watch on your jeans (I've tried.)